Reconcile & Report

Prove Your Performance.

Integrated data streams to reconcile and aggregate emissions information.

Trusted, Verifiable Data For

  • Regulatory Reporting
  • Sustainability Reports
  • Board & Investor Reporting
  • Community & Employee Engagement

The Accuracy And Transparency Markets Demand.

Reliably Accurate

Quantify intermittent and persistent emissions.

Auditable Reporting

Climate attribute data for sustainability and SEC reporting.

Demonstrate performance

Demonstrate accuracy, transparency, and compliance.

Create Accountability For Esg Performance

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Transparency In ReporTing

Dual methodology (bottom-up and top-down) helps operators deliver on regulatory, compliance, sustainability/ESG reporting, and more. The Canary SENSE™ Platform provides 3rd-party-auditable data in a user-friendly dashboard for maximum transparency and visibility.

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Stakeholder Trust In Reporting

Project Canary enables easily accessible environmental profiles for risk management and strategic decision-making for operators. Climate data informs decarbonization strategies and provide the assurance needed to export clean energy worldwide.

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